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تضمین کیفیت و پایین ترین قیمت
پشتیبانی 24 ساعته، 7 روز هفته
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Job Search Form | Nokri WordPress Theme

A super professional and beautiful template with super professional features that are all gathered in one template. Nokri template is one of the most professional and beautiful job templates that will be suitable for all different job and job search websites. One of the unique features of this template is having 7 different demos with different designs and colors, as well as Android and iOS applications that will be ready in the coming days and you can buy them separately.

Other great features of Nokri WordPress template can be the client panel and job seeker with multiple levels of access, resume making, professional job search, a separate page for employers and job seekers and job or job application, job submission page, network login Social as well as job segregation based on province, city and..

Nokri WordPress Template Features:

  • Fully responsive and responsive
  • It has 7 beautiful templates and in different colors
  • Advanced panel for employers and job seekers with different access levels
  • Separate page for employers and job seekers
  • Professional Job Finder
  • Job classification by province, city, skill, experience, background, type of job, salary, job description and…
  • Has a professional tool to display maps of provinces and cities
  • Has different job advertisement page designs with the ability to customize it
  • Ability to define and exchange currency
  • Multilingual capability, compatible with the WPML plugin
  • Confirm users after registration
  • Buy subscriptions and packages to send jobs
  • Show special and popular jobs
  • Activate free or paid packages
  • Automatic or manual approval of jobs
  • Full support for Google Maps
  • Show map with street view
  • Related jobs
  • Job status
  • Create sidebar for pages
  • Create different contact forms and…
  • Has a newsletter with different colors
  • It has different headers and footers, each of which can be managed professionally
  • Has a super professional slider with various effects and fonts
  • Use of various social networks such as Telegram, Instagram and…and their easy management
  • Multi-column footer
  • Beautiful and unlimited colors
  • Provide free timely updates for all esteemed buyers
  • Place an advertising banner with various effects between ads
  • Professional megamenu with full support for special tags such as: new, hot and…
  • Full compatibility with WooCommerce Store Builder and wpml multilingual plugin
  • Has a dedicated template for the panel of employers and job seekers
  • Ability to filter jobs based on the characteristics of the province, city, skills, salary, type of job, experience and ..
  • High loading speed (Gtmetrix approved)
  • Special newsletter form in the form of pop-ups with different designs
  • The most complete job search template

قالب Nokri وردپرس - تصویر 4

قالب کاریابی نکری پوسته وردپرس حرفه ای فروشگاه ووکامرس | قالب کاریابی Nokri
قالب کاریابی نکری پوسته وردپرس حرفه ای فروشگاه ووکامرس | قالب کاریابی Nokri
قالب کاریابی نکری پوسته وردپرس حرفه ای فروشگاه ووکامرس | قالب کاریابی Nokri
قالب وردپرس Nokri وردپرس فروشگاهی - تصویر 8

ادامه مطلب

Purchase guide:
  • The file download link will be displayed immediately after payment.
  • Also, the download link will be sent to your email, so enter your email carefully.
  • The sent email may have been sent to your spam or bulk email folder.
  • If for any reason you fail to download the desired file, contact us.
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Nokri template job search and jobs | Nokri
